A Day at The SF MOMA
A Day at The SF MOMA
I've been into using the features in my camera to take photos and directly post them to the internet. To do this I set up the buttons to make transferring easier. Then I made it easy to access all the buitl-in effects. I have a Sony camera so it comes with most of the Instagram effects.
This is with B&W but allowing green through.
While doing this I found I can use a couple settings to take better photos for paintings. I can use the High Contrast B&W filter to look for interesting high contrast shapes and composition, then take a RAW image with high vibrance to get color and detail reference. I can then load it into Lightroom Mobile or one of the Photoshop apps to alter it real quick if I want.
I decided I wanted to use the HCB&W filter to practice composing shapes. I went to the SF MOMA to take photos.
Modern art museums are great for this.
People standing around mixed with art sculptures and piles of garbage have great shapes.
No idea if I'm violating copyright but whatever.
I was actually suffering from a throat infection that kept me from talking so I got tired.
I try to make it difficult to identify the object I'm photographing. When it's a random metal wall that's not hard.
Playing with depth of field.
The time of day was perfect for contrasting shapes on buildings.
I used people to alter the shapes in the scene.
Love Chuck Close.
Neon looks great in B&W.
The shapes can come from anywhere:
Neon tends to just be pure white.
Done at the Museum.
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